

WWE Deluxe Classic SuperStars 3 Lex Luger



Lex Luger updates his condition, serious but his spirits are good(Wrestling Observer)


A Statement From Lex Luger To His Fans Around The World

"First, I want everyone to know that I truly appreciate all of the prayers & support. People ask me at the hospital, How are your spirits so good? I tell them because I have Jesus Christ in my life. The doctors are absolutely puzzled on how this happened, and if it is going to be permanent. They did see inflamation in the x-ray around a disk near the spinal cord."

"I want everyone to continue to pray that God's will be carried out through this time. If God's plan for me is to be a paraplegic, then I am seriously happy with that. God is in control, and since he is the creator, and I am the creature, then why should I question His decisions?"

"Finally, I want you all to know that life is fragile, and we need not to take it for granted. Life is a Gift from God, and we must live everyday for him dude. Think about this for a minute, if you drive a Ford (or any car) and you put water in the gas tank, what's going to happen? You will ruin the car. When Ford designed that car, they designed it to work properly only if you put gas in the engine. It's the same with life! God made us & designed us, so if we don't fill ourselves with Christ, then our lives are not going to go the way they were designed to. That's why their is so many problems in our world. We are not filling ourselves with the one thing that makes us operate the way we designed to. Well, that's enough preaching. Thank you so much for the prayers & the continued support."




「最後に、私は皆さん全員に人の生命は脆いということを知って欲しいのです。そして、我々はそのことを受け入れようとしていません。生命は神からの贈り物です。そして、我々は彼のために日々を過ごさなければなりません。想像して下さい。あなたがフォード車(またはどんな車でも)を運転しようと水をガスタンクに入れたとしたらどうなりますか? 車は壊れます。フォードが車を設計する際、エンジンにガソリンを入れる場合のみにきちんと動くよう設計しています。それは、生命も同じことです! 神は我々を作り設計したので、我々がキリストに不満ならば、我々の命は絶たれるしかありません。我々の世界にとってそのことは大問題です。私たちは設計した道を操作するため1つのもので自分達を満たしてはいません。さて、説教が過ぎたようなので、これくらいで。祈りと応援を続けてくれてありがとう」


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