
ベチ・コヘイア、12.5 UFCのウー・ヤナン戦で引退することを発表


Only a fighter knows the time to stop and follow other paths... Only a fighter and their allies know to tell apart the lies from the truth from what the media puts out. Yes! This will be my last fight and it could not be at any event other than the one and only @UFC Countless lies have been told out there, but I remained centered! I know who I am and I know my story. I have a strong and daring personality that has been the essence of my career and has added many rilvaries that strengthened Women's MMA. What I leave behind me is my legacy of a fighter who has a bold posture, presentation and unique celebration style in the fighting world. A personality that makes many curious to know more about me. It's not by chance that #betheeffect is out there. Love me or hate me, in the end everybody wanted to stop to watch me fight. I reached Pay Per View record numbers that back then had not been reached for many years. I have fought the very best and I always made the news. I am certain that I have left my mark and now it's time to let a new generation arise. And I know that I have taught both good and bad lessons. My very last fight will be at the best in the whole world... Where I dreamed and seeked to fight. This December I will be in the UFC octagon. I will cherish every moment of it and I know I'll miss it! I'm incredibly thankful to the UFC for the recognition of my career and history, they have never denied me a request. #ForeverUFC #ForeverWomensMMA #teamcorreia #ufc 😍 Gratidão @wallidjfc @suzanacorreianeves @edelsonboxe por sempre lutar por mim.

Bethe(@bethecorreia)がシェアした投稿 -

 ベチ・コヘイアが12月5日に開催予定のUFC Fight Nightシリーズの大会(メインイベントはダレン・ティル vs. ジャック・ハーマンソン)で引退することをインスタグラムで発表。対戦相手はウー・ヤナンと見られています。

 コヘイアは『UFC on ESPN 14: Whittaker vs. Till』でパニー・キアンザドに判定負けして以来の試合。ウーは『UFC Fight Night 157: Andrade vs. Zhang』で魅津希に判定負けして以来の試合。

 コヘイアは現在37歳のブラジル人でMMA戦績11勝5敗1引き分け(UFC 5勝5敗1引き分け)。2015年8月1日の『UFC 190: Rousey vs. Correia』ではロンダ・ラウジーの女子バンタム級王座に挑戦し1R KO負けしています。ラウジー戦の前までは無敗でしたが、以降は2勝5敗1引き分けと低迷していました。

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