
『UFC Fight Night 153』でアレクサンダー・ラキッチに敗れたジミ・マヌワが引退を発表、同大会で引退を表明した選手は3人に


『UFC Fight Night 153』でフランク・カマチョに敗れたニック・ハインが引退を発表(2019年06月03日)



I came to London from Nigeria when i was 10 yrs old in 1990. I grew up in south London and had crazy teenage years filled with fights and life lessons. In 2006 i was 26 years old and i discovered the ufc while flicking through the sports channels late at night , it immediately captured me , the likes of rampage jackson, tito ortiz , randy couture , shogun were my favourite fighters and i became a fan instantly. i’d never set foot in any martial arts gym in my life and neither didn’t have any plans to. In 2008 i was 28 years old and i said to myself that i’m gonna fight for the ufc. i got off my sofa and started training muay thai and bjj , i had no martial arts experience but i was a tough cunt from south london. Martial arts immediately put more structure and discipline into my crazy life and helped me become a much better person than i was previously. I had my first pro fight after 2 weeks training and i won. within the first 2 years i was uk number 1, but the goal was to fight for the ufc. I won all my fights by ko and in 2012 i accepted a ufc contract after turning them down twice with an 11-0 record all knockouts. Ive had a great martial arts career and the last 4 fights have been tough losses to take not only for myself but for my family who is always first, ive given out a mostly knockouts and taken a few myself , that’s my fan loving style but it takes a toll on the body especially concussions which are not visible to the eye i’ve met a lot of great people along the way and travelled the world but it’s time to leave this chapter and on to the next one because there’s a life after fighting and i feel it’s my obligation to give more to combat sports which i love dearly outside of fighting. Thank you @danawhite and the @ufc for letting me showcase my skills and thank you to all my coaches and training partners who have helped and taught me along the way , much love to the fans and last but not least much love to my dear family who together we made this dream a reality. Jimi POSTERBOY Manuwa PB1 ... stay tuned 😉

Jimi Manuwaさん(@pb1_)がシェアした投稿 -

 『UFC Fight Night 153: Gustafsson vs. Smith』のセミファイナルでアレクサンダー・ラキッチに1ラウンド0分47秒でKO負けしたジミ・マヌワがインスタグラムで引退を発表。10歳でナイジェリアからロンドンに移住、26歳になった2006年にスポーツチャンネルを通じてUFCを知りすっかり虜になってしまったとのこと。それまで格闘技経験は無かったものの28歳になった2008年からムエタイと柔術の練習を始め、2週間でプロデビュー戦を行い勝利、2年間でイギリスNo.1の座に着いて11勝0敗の戦績でUFCと契約、素晴らしいキャリアを歩めたものの最近の4連敗は自分だけではなく家族にとっても厳しい敗戦だったことから今後の人生を考えて引退を決断したそうです。

Jimi Manuwa(Sherdog)


 また、『UFC Fight Night 153: Gustafsson vs. Smith』で引退を表明した選手はアレキサンダー・グスタフソン、ニック・ハインに続いて3人目となります。

posted by ジーニアス at 23:25| Comment(7) | UFC | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by スロー at 2019年06月05日 01:44


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Posted by 田中 at 2019年06月05日 20:00
夢を現実にしましょうよ まだ間に合いますよ!
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