
ニール・マグニー「USADAの薬物検査に引っ掛かったので『UFC Fight Night 152』を欠場することになった」

Neil Magny: Failed USADA test scratched me from UFC on ESPN+ 10(MMAJunkie)

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As many of you know, I had to withdraw from my sceduled bout against Vicente Luque on Saturday, May 18th. I want to apologize to him, as I know how difficult it is to lose an opponent days out from a fight. Throughout my MMA career I have been very transparent. I am not afraid to admit when I am in the wrong. On Saturday, May 11, 2019, I recieved an email from USADA stating that I have failed an "out of competition drug test" due to the banned substance "Di-Hydroxy-LGD-4033". I am fully cooperating with USADA to determine how this substance was found in the sample I provided them on May 5, 2019. I have always been an advocate for the strict drug testing in the UFC, even to the extent of opting for my collected samples to be used for research purposes by USADA. I know without a doubt that I have done everything according to the standards set by USADA. I have faith in USADA that this situation will resolved in a timely manner and that I will be cleared of any wrong doing. To all of my fans and supporters, thank you. I assure you that I have not let you down.

Neil Magnyさん(@neil_magny170)がシェアした投稿 -

 5月18日にニューヨーク州ロチェスターで開催する『UFC Fight Night 152: dos Anjos vs. Lee』でヴィセンテ・ルケと対戦予定だったニール・マグニーがインスタグラムでUSADAの薬物検査で禁止薬物の陽性反応が出たことから欠場することになったとコメント。5月5日にランダムの薬物検査が行われ、5月11日に禁止薬物の「Di-Hydroxy-LGD-4033」の陽性反応が出たことをUSADAからのメールで知ったそうです。


posted by ジーニアス at 09:46| Comment(4) | UFC | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by そうえん at 2019年05月15日 13:07
Posted by 。 at 2019年05月15日 13:41
えー・・・!ルケの試合毎回面白いので楽しみにしてたのに~!代役といっても間際過ぎるし・・・ショック( ;∀;)
Posted by コロナキッド at 2019年05月16日 09:28
Posted by たい at 2019年05月16日 18:51