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Glory 17 and Last Man Standing Live Results(LiverKick.com)
Glory 17 Feather weight tournament Live on Spike
Gabriel Varga Vs. Yodkhunpon Sitmonchai - Gabriel Varga Wins by Unanimous Decision (30-27 all 3 judges)
Shane Oblonsky Vs. Marcus Vinicius - Shane Oblonsky Wins by Unanimous Decision (Shane scored 2 knockdowns throughout the fight)
Andy Ristie Vs. Ky Hollenbeck - Andy Ristie Wins by KO 35 seconds into Round 1 (He landed 1 left hand, wobbled Ky then finished with another left hook)
Featherweight Tournament Final - Gabriel Varga Wins by Unanimous Decision and is the Featherweight Tournament Champion (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Mirko Crocop Vs. Jarrel Miller - Mirko CroCop Wins by Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)
Last Man Standing PPV card
Artem Levin Vs. Alex Pereira - Artem Levin Wins by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Melvin Manhoef Vs. Filip Verlinden - Filip Verlinden Wins by Majority Decision (28-28, 30-27, 30-27. Filip scores a head kick knockdown in Rd 1)
Joe Schilling Vs. Simon Marcus - Joe Schilling Wins by KO in the last 20 seconds of the EXTRA round (Right hook CRAZZZZY FIGHT!!)
Wayne Barrett Vs. Bogdan Stoica - Wayne Barrett Wins by KO 58 seconds into Round 3 (Left hook counter while Stoica came in with a flying knee)
Marc De Bonte Vs. Jospeph Valtellini - Joseph Valtellini Wins by Unanimous Decision and is the new Glory Welterweight World Champ. (47-46, 47-46, 47-46)
Semifinal #1 - Levin Vs. Verlinden - Artem Levin Wins by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Semifinal #2 - Schilling Vs. Barrett - Joe Schilling Wins by Split Decision (28-29, 30-27, 29-28)
Daniel Ghita Vs. Rico Verhoeven - Rico Verhoeven Wins by Unanimous Decision and is the new Glory Heavyweight Champ (49-46, 49-46, 48-47)
Final - Schilling Vs. Levin - Artem Levin Wins by Unanimous Decision and is the new Glory Middleweight Tournament and World champion (29-26, 29-26, 29-26)
【Glory17】後頭部パンチ? ダウン取ったオブロンスキー決勝へ(MMAPLANET)
【Glory LMS】Last Man Standingミドル級T、まずレヴィンが決勝へ(MMAPLANET)
【Glory LMS】アレレ……、シリングが地元判定で決勝進出(MMAPLANET)
【Glory LMS】ヴァーホーベンがギタ倒し、王者奪取も……(MMAPLANET)
【Glory LMS】リベンジ達成でレヴィンがミドル級Tを制す(MMAPLANET)
カリフォルニア州イングルウッドのザ・フォーラムで開催された『GLORY 17 & Last Man Standing』の試合結果。フェザー級トーナメントは
『GLORY 17』はミルコ・クロコップがジャレル・ミラーに判定勝ち。フェザー級トーナメント決勝戦はゲイブリエル・バルガがシェーン・オブロンスキーに判定勝ち。
『Last Man Standing』はミドル級トーナメント決勝戦はアルテム・レヴィンがジョー・シリングに判定勝ちし優勝&チャンピオンに。ヘビー級王座決定戦はリコ・ヴァーホーベンがダニエル・ギタに判定勝ちしています。